Sahil Shah

Sahil is Founder at Security Theorem who specialize in providing information security consulting services. Sahil has had a vast experience in the field of Web & Mobile application security and provides his expertise to fortune 500 companies across the globe.

He has varied sectors i.e. Financial, Government, Social Media etc. Along with his experience Sahil also has strong educational back ground he holds a Master’s Degree from University of Warwick(UK) in Cyber Security & Management and another Mastr’s Degree from MIT ( Pune) in Computer Management. Along with that he hold several other certifications like Ethical Hacker, Forensic Analyst, Cyber Law expert, Crime Investigator etc.

Before starting his own consultancy Sahil has worked with well known information security companies like Blueinfy Solutions, eSphere, Home Box Office(HBO) where he has headed several key projects. He is also an avid researcher and his research have been published in well known conferences like Black Hat. He is also a regular contributer in the OWASP Appsensor Project as well has developed many module for the Browser Exploitation Frame(BeEf) Project.

TRAINING: Droid Application Hack & Smash



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